Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Great Video on Pitbulls

In life sometimes we get a bad rap. Well the pitbull has definitely got a bad rap because of how the media has portrayed them This video does a wonderful job of expressing to world the TRUE NATURE of the American Pit Bull. Being that I own Pit Bulls I know 1st hand that these dogs are very affectionate towards people. They are also some of the best Therapy Dogs you will ever find visiting patients in hospitals and making them feel better. Does the media tell you that? No! They are also the best Service Dogs. They help with search and rescue and have saved thousands of lives. They are great with acting check out the Little Rascals TV show. LOL They are all around great dogs. They also excel the arena of sports being that they are built so strong they can do some amazing things like Jump 10 Feet in the air with ease. Enough said Pits are a great DOG! if you own one you should be proud.

Leave comments and let me know your thoughts about the breed. Thanks

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