Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dog running behind biker

I love dogs and mountain biking so for me this video is a great combination. It's shows just that a dog running a mountain biker and the dog keeps up the whole time he stays right on the biker's tail. After seeing this video makes me want to take my dog out while I mountain bike and see how well he does with keeping up. I will have to do this when no one is on the trail so he doesn't scare anyone. LOL

Here's the video link enjoy. LOL

He's very fit so I think he will keep up with me on my bike. I know he will have a great time.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pitbull Diary - Dogs Chilling in Backyard

I just set up an account with BLIP.TV and you can visit my VISIONZ OF LIFE channel at

I will have a new dog episode posted there in high quality video for your enjoyment. As an professional video editor I'm realizing that youtube does have it's limitations because when the videos play in high quality on youtube the videos run too slow. I hear that videos play smoother and help to maintain the high quality for my viewers to enjoy. So look out for more of my videos and episodes there.

Online Video Contest Winner

Congratulations to contributor, brittanyjade, and her talented doggie, Jackson! users selected Jackson's (1yr old Yorkie) Tricks as the top Dog Tricks video.

brittanyjade has this to say about Jackson:

"Jackson is a 1.5 year old Yorkie who came into my life shortly after I turned 18. We have been inseparable ever since and he is the best friend I could have asked for. Weighing in at a healthy, but sturdy, 16 lbs ... he is not typical for his breed but his tenacious, sweet loving personality shines above all. He is always willing to go on an adventure, or learn something new, and really looks forward to our trick training. I brought him home as a 9-week-old ball of fur and quickly realized how smart he was when he learned the basic 'sit' within 5 minutes and ever since, he's never stopped learning! He never ceases to amaze me and I couldn't have asked for a better buddy."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dog plays fetch with himself

I would love for my dog TYSON to have one of these he loves playing fetch so much

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Skateboarding & Surfing Dog

Just when you thought you've seen it all another great dog video shows up online on TOP DOG VIDEOS. This one features a dog that not only can skateboard but can surf as well. I don't know about you but I can't surf and I never have so this dog definitely has 1 up on me. How bout you? LOL Maybe they should start having skateboard competitions for dogs. I guess this is dog PETE is the TONY HAWK for dogs. LOL

Saturday, May 22, 2010

This dog can beat you in pool

Now I've seen dogs do some amazing things, but play pool now that was a complete shock to me. And guess what he doesn't even need a pool stick he uses his own paw not that's what you call skills. LOL. Enjoy!

I'm on the search for TOP DOG VIDEOS and I plan to post them on this blog on a regular basis so if you have any TOP DOG VIDEOS you suggest then send them my way ( along with any comments as to why you feel it should be a TOP DOG VIDEO. Thanks

Also please comment share your thoughts I like to know what you think about the videos posted. PEACE!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Movie Coming Soon June 4th

I'm looking forward to seeing this movie. Looks like it's going to be great. Something for the whole family. I'm so tired of those blood and guts movies that just leave you empty. If your looking for some wholesome laughs then you definitely want to go see this. I'm not sure if they will let your dog come along. That would be great but then again you would have to pay for him to get in and he probably would be fighting the other dogs there and barking at the screen so maybe you can let him wait till you get it on DVD OK. LOL After watching this movie your dog may start trying to talk or maybe wondering why he can't talk. LOL

Pit Bulls and Parolees

Look out for this on Discovery Channel

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Great Video on Pitbulls

In life sometimes we get a bad rap. Well the pitbull has definitely got a bad rap because of how the media has portrayed them This video does a wonderful job of expressing to world the TRUE NATURE of the American Pit Bull. Being that I own Pit Bulls I know 1st hand that these dogs are very affectionate towards people. They are also some of the best Therapy Dogs you will ever find visiting patients in hospitals and making them feel better. Does the media tell you that? No! They are also the best Service Dogs. They help with search and rescue and have saved thousands of lives. They are great with acting check out the Little Rascals TV show. LOL They are all around great dogs. They also excel the arena of sports being that they are built so strong they can do some amazing things like Jump 10 Feet in the air with ease. Enough said Pits are a great DOG! if you own one you should be proud.

Leave comments and let me know your thoughts about the breed. Thanks

The 1st Top Dog Videos Post

What's up everyone.

I was inspired to set up a new blog for TOP DOG VIDEOS after being approached by youtube to become a partner for my video which features my dogs Tyson and Diamonds when they were puppies. I filmed them playing tug of war and posted in on youtube and in January of 2010 the video hit 23,000 views. I had a lot of fun making the video because my dogs are so much fun to watch as they played together. It was so entertaining I wanted to show it to the world and then combine it with some of the music I was producing at the time. Being that I'm also a rap artist and music producer I figured it was a wonderful combination. Here is the video that inspired me to start this blog and offer more to the world.

I plan to continue posting the TOP DOG VIDEOS on my blog so if you have any recommendations feel free to send me your top choices of dog videos and as I filter through them and choose the best ones to post. Send me a top dog video and see if it makes it to this blog. I'm also open to accepting pics as well.