Sunday, November 21, 2010

Train Your Dog

Today I saw this video about a service dog that is able to smell sugar levels and helps this little boy stay alive. Yes the dog informs the family if the sugar levels are not at a good level and can even open the fridge to give the boy a drink. Now families can have more of peace of mind about their children's health even when they are sleeping. The dog knows how to wake the family up in the middle of the night to let the parents know if their child's sugar levels are off.

You may be thinking wow I would like to know how to train my dog to do some basic things like how not to poop in the house. Or how about teaching your dog not to jump up on you when greeting you or your guest. Or maybe you want to teach your dog basic things like sit, lay and stay. Well you will learn that and more with the great dog training package that's loaded with lessons on how to train your dog.

Now is time to learn how to solve your dogs behavioral problems once and for all to learn more
Click Here!

Here's another training
Click Here!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Top Dog Video Site

This is the TOP DOG VIDEO site online. This site will soon come up as number 1 on google search for top dog videos because it is simply the best. TRUE DYNASTY KENNEL is rising up as a great dog kennel where many loving families go to find a very friendly pit bull for their family. It's a myth the Pit Bulls are bad around children. That's entirely false. Pit Bulls are some of the most loving animals. They used as therapy dogs for sick patients in hospitals. It's been scientifically proven that these loving animals help prevent heart disease. Unfortunately the media has flooded the minds of people with the lie that pit bulls are dangerous for people. The is slowing being exposed. Even Mike Vik's dogs when rescued showed no agression to the people who care for the dogs. These dogs were used to fight other dogs and didn't show aggression to people. Pit Bulls were carefully selected before they are allowed to fight. They are selected for lack of aggression towards people yet aggression towards other dogs. Reason being that the people in the pit that surrounds dog fits don't want to get bit. This is the best pit bull video site online. Enjoy the videos.

Here's a great video that proves my point. Actions speak louder than words.